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Closed Bed:


For all the moons that I have brought,

for all the plays I ever show,

I ask you, to let me exist beyond the...

The sun is here no matter what

you did to others in your life,

because he, cares about you.


So let me ask you one more,

come on is not a big deal,

you only have, to love me like I...

Will do the shopping all around,

and I will love you day and night,

I'll get a job that's worth the time.


For all the moons I have brought,

I began to feel like a god.

And for every step that you made,

I was becoming more and more like an undead.

For all the love that you stole,

I started to feel so alone.

And when all of it was taken away,

I departed inside a closed bed.




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